About the Course:
6 Weekly Sessions
Co-facilitated by Marta Rose & Meg Max
To get updates on course info and to be the first to hear when tickets go on sale, make sure you Register Your Interest.
The process of neurodivergent unmasking can often feel like coming home to a more authentic version of ourselves, but it can also be incredibly confusing, disruptive, and often tinged with grief and regret. Our creativity is often at the heart of facing these difficulties, and embracing our homecoming and homemaking allows us to redesign and recreate both our literal and metaphorical interior spaces.
Through this course, Marta and Meg will offer a community that feels like home for people who have felt out of place, ashamed, and alienated from their creative selves. Through short presentations, in-session creative projects, and conversation, we will
create a comfortable and safe space in which to share and work together
look to our past and map out our creative lineage
explore the ways we have felt like aliens and misfits in the places we have called home, and reimagine what home might mean for us
look at the spaces where we currently create (whether that is an art studio, a desk, or a perch on the corner of your couch) and explore our own sensory and organizational needs and ways to accommodate them
explore ways of finding and creating ecosystems and community that support and center how we want to feel in ourselves and our spaces
explore homemaking rituals, systems, and connections that will support us as we move into the future
enter into conversations, creative making and practical application to welcome ourselves and each other home
Coming Home To Ourselves includes:
Access to all slides and creative invitations shared in Coming Home To Ourselves, alongside AI generated notes (sessions will not be recorded in order to maintain privacy in our sharing together)
Optional weekly Home Work to continue home making & creating outside of class
Ongoing community to share Home Work and continue the conversations begun in the course and create community connections (platform TBD)
Collaborative art making opportunities through digital work or snail mail
Home Making Salon after the course is done
Aside from a pen and paper, no specific materials are required- participants are encouraged to approach creative invitations and home making applications with what they enjoy using and have on hand.
Please note that the structure and overview shared below may shift as we create this home together- we welcome the chance to adapt and grow to create a welcoming and comfortable community for the folks who share this space with us.
Class structure:
Welcoming & reflection
Conversation (may include slides, examples of art, sharing spaces in Meg & Marta’s studios and homes)
Creation & application (reflective exercises, creation of art and home)
Sharing (A chance to share words & work)
Presentation of Home Work (optional ways to continue Home Making between in class sessions)
Closing thoughts & goodbyes
Course Overview: (Session topics are subject to adaptions and changes between intakes)
Week one: Containers
In our first session, Meg and Marta will usher you over the threshold through an overview of our time together, community agreements and introductions. Using reflection and art making, we will explore where you currently live, what makes a welcoming space for you as an individual and us as a group, and how to make yourself and each other feel at home over the next six weeks together.
Week two: Past
We all have a past, places we’ve moved through and carry with us. Ways we were taught to think and ways we were made to feel about our creative work and it’s worth. Through reflective writing and mapmaking exercises, we will explore our individual creative lineages as a way of answering the question: How did we get here?
Week three: Homewrecking
Having mapped our paths to the present, we’ll explore the feeling of alienation that many neurodivergent people feel. Through design thinking, making and writing we pull apart the places where we’ve landed and reconstruct home as a place that suits us, rather than a place we contort to fit ourselves into.
Week four: Present
A home can be four walls, a body, something outside of us and places internal. We explore practical ways of creating our homes in ways that suit our creative work, alongside reflective practices and invitations to make that will help us explore our present realities and prepare a home for our creativity.
Week five: Wayfinding
Many of us feel outside, craving community, but unsure of how to build it. Using creative making and reflective exercises we will clarify our own needs, wants and desires, centering how to feel at home in shared spaces as a way of leading us to envisioning ecosystems of support, and finding our way back to ourselves when we inevitably get lost.
Week six: Future (welcoming ourselves home)
Welcome home.
[A note from Meg & Marta: We’re leaving this session a little ambiguous because one of the things we are the most excited about is being able to tailor this offering to the folks who show in the space. We imagine a chance to integrate what we’ve done in previous weeks, space for questions and conversation, and a celebration of all we’ve created and learned together.]
About the Facilitators
Marta Rose is a queer AuDHD writer and artist. Her work offers critical insights and healing metaphors for reframing the ways we understand neurodivergence. She founded and directs Divergent Design Studios, an online community offering body doubling, workshops, and peer support for neurodivergent creatives. She writes a weekly(ish) substack newsletter called The Spiral Lab, and has published several ebooks, including Neuroemergent Time: Making Time Make Sense for ADHD and Autistic People and Getting Started is the Hardest Part. Her work has been cited by Dr. Devon Price in Unmasking Autism, by Rebecca Schiller in A Thousand Ways to Pay Attention, and by Jesse Meadows in the Sluggish newsletter, among others. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Warren Wilson College. She has two grown neurodivergent children and lives in Philadelphia, on the land of the Lenni Lenape people, with her partner.
Meg Max is a queer, neurodivergent, mentally ill writer, artist and mother. She’s way more fun than that first sentence makes her sound. Her fiction has been published online and in print throughout North America, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has a certificate in therapeutic arts from the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy, and alongside founding Writers in Bloom, has facilitated with various schools, organizations and artists through Canada, the UK and the US. For a good time, Meg takes long walks where she gathers treasures to make art out of found or recycled materials. Meg lives on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people, with her husband, kiddo, two dogs and three vacuums
Ticket Pricing & Info
Tickets are available at three tiers.
General Admission Tickets represent the true cost of the course. Accomplice Tickets are for those who can afford to pay a little extra in order to subsidise a lower cost ticket. Subsidised Tickets are offered at a discount for those who can't afford the full course cost. Please choose whichever tier best suits your income and budget. A limited number of Subsidised Tickets are offered as standard. More may become available if an equivalent number of Accomplice Tickets are sold. Early Bird Tickets represent a discount on all three tiers and there are a limited number available.
Ticket Pricing Update Coming Soon
All ticket tiers can be paid in three equal monthly instalments. The first payment is due on booking.
Refunds and Cancellations:
Ticket refunds and payment plan cancellations can be made up to 7 days before the start of the course. After this, no refunds or cancellations can be made. If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact krmoorhead.lit@gmail.com before booking.
We reserve the right to cancel the course if we do not meet a minimum number of registrants. In this instance, all tickets will be fully refunded.
Purchase Tickets (pay in full)
Payment Plans
Coming Home Late Bird (Thursday)
116.67£Every monthValid for 3 months
How is this course different from Neuroqueering Your Creative Practice? (Or anything else you offer?)
Here are the biggest differences between NQYCP and Coming Home:
This course is a much smaller group- with a maximum of 15 participants registered per session.
Coming Home To Ourselves is a collaboration. Meg and Marta will both be present at each session. They've spiraled Marta’s beloved essays and presentations together with Meg’s practical, creative care invitations to make something brand new.
The content in this course, although touching on themes familiar to both Marta and Meg’s work, has not been offered before.
Although a weekly outline (provided below) will provide the framework, working in a small group allows the chance for Meg and Marta to tailor the course to the participants.
This course will offer more opportunities for direct interaction with Meg and Marta about participants’ individual projects, practices and processes.
More making, of both writing, art and home. (Imagine the chance to apply Marta’s Mis En Place for a project or space of your own, with them available to answer questions as you go.)
Optional Home Work, consisting of practical and creative ways to process your thoughts and experiences during our time together, will be provided, allowing you to continue to Coming Home between sessions.
How many people will be registered in each session?
There are a maximum of 15 participants registered in each session.
Who would benefit from this course?
People who are interested in exploring themes of home, unmasking and community through practical and creative applications.
Creatives of all kinds who have projects they’ve started, are stuck on, or want to begin.
Those who are looking for company to help them understand and feel less alone in their ways of being and making
Folks who have felt untethered from their bodies, creativity or communities
Artists aching for permission to live and create where and how they feel most at home
Why is the course so d*mn expensive?
As folks who believe deeply that accessibility includes financial accessibility, Marta and Meg really struggled with pricing this course. We knew we wanted to offer a true collaboration and new content, to keep the groups small, and both be present for each session. This means paying two people for their time, and when we did the math, there was no way we could make the course any less expensive while also paying ourselves anything close to a living wage. Tickets are offered at three tiers, and payment plan options are available for Coming Home To Ourselves available.